The narrative text for people has been generated automatically, and may not read well - this is being slowly rectified.
I have made the decision to exclude all living people completely from this site for privacy reasons. If you find any living person listed, let me know so I can remove them.
A good place to start is to look at the surname index (see 'Surnames' in the menu bar).
Please note that the default name for married women is their maiden name, although they usually appear in indexes under their married name(s) as well.
If you would like to see my information sources, you can do this. Each piece of information usually has one or more footnotes. Click on the small numeral and that will take you to the footnote at the bottom of the page. If you want extra information, click on the link that looks like [Snnnn] and that will show you even more information.
If you are just browsing, you may be interested in what I have witten on Henry Hugh Hill, or George Darby (two of my great-great-grandfathers) as this is probably my most thorough research.
I welcome your comments, corrections and additons to the information on this site, and wish to recognise the invaluable and extremely generous contributions of others. If there are errors, these are mine alone.
- Tim Hill